On Monday (September 2), the Supreme Court asked Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) to clarify his offensive remarks about the judiciary. KCR had called the bail granted to BRS leader K. Kavitha a “political deal.” The court expressed its displeasure over bringing political disputes into the courtroom and stated that high-ranking officials are expected to act responsibly. However, KCR apologized for his comments after facing criticism.
On August 27, the Supreme Court granted bail to Kavitha in the Delhi liquor policy case. The court ruled that long-term detention without trial should not be equated with a sentence before a verdict. Following the court’s decision, Telangana CM KCR alleged that the BRS had worked for the BJP’s victory in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections and suggested that Kavitha’s bail might have resulted from a deal between BRS and BJP.
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Previous Criticism
The Supreme Court had previously reprimanded KCR. Last week, the court questioned whether it issues orders after consulting political parties. Senior lawyer Mukul Rohatgi, representing KCR, was told, “Have you read what KCR said in the newspapers? Read exactly what was said. Is this how a responsible Chief Minister should speak? Such statements can create doubts in people’s minds. Is this the kind of statement a Chief Minister should make? A constitutional officer should not speak like this.”
Apology from KCR
In response to the backlash, KCR quickly apologized. He said, “I understand that some media reports from August 29, 2024, may have given the impression that I am questioning the judicial wisdom of the honorable court. I affirm my full faith in the judicial process and unconditionally apologize for the statements made in the media reports.”