Russian spacecraft crashed: Russia’s dream of being the first to reach the moon suffered a major blow. The Russian Luna-25 rover crashed before landing on the moon.
According to the Russian space agency Roscosmos, the Russian spacecraft Luna-25 has fallen on the moon. We understand why the Luna-25 vehicle failed.
Key features :
• Before landing on the moon, it was necessary to correctly change the orbit of the spacecraft.
•During separation, the spacecraft collided with the lunar surface.
•Spacecraft carried a lander. Russia’s “Mission Moon” suffered a major setback on Sunday.
The Russian spacecraft crashed before landing on the lunar surface. Launched on August 14, Spacecraft was supposed to land on the South Pole of the Moon. Russia’s dream of landing a spacecraft on the South Pole of the Moon is now shattered.
After nearly five decades, Russia launched a lunar mission to go to the moon.In case you forgot, Russia was the first nation to send both men and women into space. The Soviet Union was when this achievement was made.
Let’s start by understanding why the Luna-25 spacecraft failed to land on the moon.
1 – Before landing on the moon, it was necessary to correctly change the orbit of the Luna-25 spacecraft. The spacecraft did not change orbit properly.
2- The Russian space agency announced on Sunday that Luna-25 received an order to enter orbit and released thrust to send it into orbit before landing. At the same time, an emergency situation arose and the operation was not completed.
3- The Luna-25 spacecraft fell from the lunar surface during thrust.
4- French astronaut and meteorologist Frank Marchis told us that the Lunar Globe Lander could not function properly due to software glitches.
5 – Mission failed due to an unexpectedly long engine burn during a major orbital adjustment.
Russia’s space agency announced that an interagency commission would be established to investigate the reasons for the mission’s failure. We tell you that for the first time in five decades, Russia’s audio flight has failed. In 1976, Luna-24 was successfully sent to the Moon during the Soviet Union.