In the Delhi IAS coaching centre tragedy, where three students died due to drowning in a basement, the Rouse Avenue Court has extended the judicial custody of the six arrested individuals until September 18. The accused were presented in court after their four-day CBI custody ended. The CBI will now question them during this two-week period.
The tragedy occurred at ‘RAU IAS Study Circle’ when water flooded the basement, leading to the drowning of three students—Shreya Yadav, Tanya Soni, and Nevin Dalvin. They were unable to get oxygen and died as a result.
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Accused in the Case:
The CBI has charged several individuals:
- Abhishek Gupta, CEO of RAU IAS Study Circle
- Four building owners: Tajinder Singh, Harvinder Singh, Sarbjit Singh, and Parvinder Singh
- Another person, Deshpal Singh
These individuals were initially held in CBI custody until September 4, and their judicial custody has now been extended for two weeks.
Safety Violations:
During previous hearings, the CBI argued that holding the accused in custody was necessary for the investigation. They revealed that the basement, used for library and exam purposes, was not authorized for such use according to the building’s occupancy certificate, which allowed only parking, storage, and car lifts. The building was also operating without a fire safety certificate. The MCD had issued a show-cause notice to the coaching centre, and the CEO later applied for the fire safety certificate, which was granted on July 9.