The Vande Bharat train, which aims to improve travel options for tourists, was launched today in Agra. This modern train will run between Agra Cantt Railway Station and Udaipur City Station, enhancing travel convenience between these two cities.
As the train departed from Agra Cantt for Udaipur, a person started running after it and ended up hanging from the train’s door. A video of this incident has gone viral on social media, surprising many at the railway station. Fortunately, there was no major accident.
See here also : vande-bharat-express-train-starts-service-schedule-and-fare-details
Agra, known for the Taj Mahal, is a major tourist city with many protected monuments that attract visitors daily. The new Vande Bharat train will provide a comfortable connection between Agra and Udaipur, making it easier for tourists to visit these two significant destinations. The train will operate three days a week.
Railway Staff Saves the Man
On the first day of the Vande Bharat train’s operation, an accident was narrowly avoided. As the train started, a person tried to board it while running. He ended up hanging from the train’s window. The railway staff and GRP acted quickly to save him. They opened the train’s door to pull him inside and stopped the train to ensure his safety. The incident highlights the importance of being aware of safety measures while using modern facilities.